Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Well apparently case not closed

Can you believe it? I am back in trouble with the Attorney General of Abu Dhabi. I was cleared of any wrong doing as we did not have the event as a charity, but as an Awareness Event. However, when I created this blog to guide those who wanted to donate used items to the shelters, or attend the event it would be a great place to follow. I did put charity in the title because I believe that charity is in the heart and giving to others in need is a charitable thing to do.
I had no idea that having the dinner event would cause such trouble. Who would've thought I'd get arrested for helping others? Well, I find out on Sunday how much the fine is and if I can not pay it I go to jail until it is paid.
If those of you who are concerned about helping with this, could send a notarized statement on my behalf to the court in Al Ain or the Attorney General of Abu Dhabi, that would be a blessing. If you would like to attend the court session, please contact me at 0501753853.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Update on case. CLOSED!!! YIPPIE! Prosecutor in Al Ain has found nothing wrong with the way the event was handled and closed the case. It now goes to Abu Dhabi Attorney General for final signature. I'm so glad this is finished. It was a wonderful journey and learning experience. Everyone had a great time and was made aware of the shelters and volunteer opportunities here in UAE. So, A success!! Thanks for everyone's participation and donations and hopefully you are inspired to continue finding ways to volunteer or support the local charities. If you would like more information on how to volunteer/donate goods for the charities, please do not hesitate to contact me. 
Thanks so much for your continued support.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Current situation with the Prosecutor's Office

As an update on what has happened since the event.  I  got into trouble. I wasn't allowed to call it a charity because I dont have a license. But, the magazine put charity event and put the shelters name and number on it.....weeeellllll. The very ppl I was trying to help, (EWAA' Arabic for shelter) opened a case against me with the Atty Gen. Yep. I had a warrant for my arrest. They told the police that I had a charity, raised money and used their name without permission and kept the proceeds. Yep. I spent 5hrs at the prosecutors office waiting to see if I was going to jail. But, the prosecutor and his captain worked really hard at helping me convince the AG that it was an awareness dinner and we were not allowed to hold the auction or sell anything or raise cash so everyone paid for their dinner. 
I was fortunate that two sponsors came to the court to defend me. The people that donated bottled water and the ppl that donated the juices. So, now all the sponsors (Hospital, Pfizer, Al Ghadeer, Lacnor Juice co) all are meeting on Thursday to make a statement. Im not worried now. 
But, scary that they held my passport until the case is over. I dont like not having it. 
It was an incredible event. I had an opportunity to sit down at one point and look at the children playing with sponge bob/barney/jungle gym etc. and see ppl eating and dancing to the music. And all the toys/clothes etc that were donated. And I was so filled. The pic you see of me standing next to the banner was just after they opened it up and I immediately started crying. All the work and the ppl that came together made that sign possible and I would do it again in spite of the setbacks. I just know the laws and sensitivity of the subject here. Its not a popular thing to open your mouth about in these parts but someone's got to and seems that God chose me. So be it. Im up for the task.
Think that's it? Well, no. I also had the police called on me by my neighbors (who are also police). Their maid was slipping letters under my doormat saying she was being abused. So, I text her, her Philippine Embassy's number and a Welfare Officer that Im working with and her employer found out and called the police saying that I was interfering with her family. Apparently, a live in maid here has no rights outside the, the police just told me not to speak with them at anytime, but, if the maid runs away they will come to me. I guess to see if I helped her escape....I still worry about what they are doing to her but I can't do anything about it. So, seems I pretty popular with the courts But, truly, in the end, good things are coming from it. And if I go to jail for helping ppl here, so be it. I'll just get my Embassy involved and make a big story of it shedding light on the human trafficking and abuse that is happening. 
Geez, you must be tired by now. This was incredibly long winded.....hahaha

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Need Advice

As most of you know, the event was successful in the way that the word got out about the women's and children's shelters here as well as other organizations that need your help. However, now I am having a meeting with a prosecutor to answer questions about trying to help tell women and men about the shelters offered here.
If anyone can help me with translation, legal support, please contact me at Thank you. Michelle

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Biggest Thank you From all of us!

First, I want to thank NIALANEWS, Oasis Living Al Ain, Buzz, Abu Dhabi Zoom, 7days news, Gulf News on behalf of myself and the event and all the other people you have connected in Al Ain and UAE residents. Thank you for the things that you make happen just by offering this service to us free of charge. Since it's conception, it has connected people and made all of this happen. I would like to thank all the other people responsible for the daily upkeep, I believe I can say with certainty that all of us who have taken advantage of this service and your time and efforts, do appreciate it. So many good things have come to pass because of your work. So, on Behalf of Al Ain, I say a big THANK YOU! 
An incredible big Thanks to Artist Laurel Moore and all she did to spread the word within the art community which resulted in amazing items being donated that eventually had to be part of the raffle, since the auction was not allowed to go on.
I will keep these memories and all the notes in my tattered notebook with me forever. However, the memory of the beautiful works of art that were donated will forever stay in my mind. Thank you all so much. I am looking forward to having an interview and posting pics of the event thanking each one of you personally/publicly

I also want to take a moment and hug everyone that participated in volunteering, in sponsoring and attending the event. There were some road blocks that tried to keep it from happening, however, it was a train on a mission and nothing was going to keep it from happening. Yes, the auction got cancelled as well as raising funds with sales, but, that did not stop the AWARENESS part of this message. Please, keep in mind at all times, that the person next to you might be the one that needs the information you learned through attending. Take a minute and look into their eyes. You can see it. Do something. Just strike up a conversation and listen. 
If you would rather, help in a different way, you can always donate to the Phillipino Embassy or EWAA' or contact me and I will help you arrange a way to give those things we take for granted, to someone who will think it's their birthday. If you are leaving the country and can't sell everything, please don't leave it behind for the landlord. I will arrange to help you load it up and take it to the shelters. 

We will do this again, this was the first of it's kind here and we had to learn all the different rules/laws regarding this issue.  However, we will know more about the rules/regulations and be prepared for entertainment snafus, the time issues, etc. The food was great and it seemed everyone was enjoying themselves. I am deeply grateful for what the whole experience has done in me. I look forward to seeing what He has planned for me in the future and I truly hope that you will also be a part of that. I can't thank everyone enough for their time, efforts, and strength in making this come to pass. You are truly angels. 
It was amazing sitting on that staircase overlooking everyone and reflecting on the events that created this and the uphill battle that it took to get this spoken about. I just wished that the shelter ladies could have been a part as originally planned, however, I do believe enough ppl heard the message and will pass it along. The April Flower seed has been planted, it is up to you to nurture it and make it grow. 
Thank you so much everyone. 
Love from the bottom of my heart!
Michelle Mellinger

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Media Sponsor pulled out because of disbelief (my reply)

This was in response to the email I got telling me why the media pulled out at the final hour.
Yes, I don't have an (official) agreement with them (EWAA) on a legal way. I was just one person trying to make a difference and wanted to help the ladies in the shelters there. I truly did not know what I was getting myself into and honestly didn't care nor think about the repercussions
I would love for you to see the conversation between me and EWAA' or have sat in on the meeting we had at the shelter. In the beginning it was, "Absolutely, lets join together and do this". But we need a meeting with BOD. Well, I said, "Go ahead, however, this is going to happen with or without your support." They wanted a proposal. I said, "My proposal is to have a big party, raise awareness, get donations to the shelters and money for the other needs" She said the BOD wouldn't accept this as a proposal and it needed to be professionally written. I asked her to explain to me exactly what they needed it to say as I have no clue. If they could help me help them? She said, and I quote, "It is not my job to teach you how to do a proposal". That floored me. In my retort, I asked her "Isn't it your job to help the shelters run smoothly?" "And, how long would it take you to explain to me exactly what words you need me to put into print?". I also asked her why was it so hard to help them? And, my question is now, "Why should I be chasing a charity to help them when they should be chasing me?" It's like everyone just shows up for their jobs and just does only, exactly what they need to do for the day and not go above and beyond to really make a difference.
I took the responsibility after finding an abandoned baby and didn't sit on my ass. Yes, I learned what the rules where along the way. I got the backing that I needed in the end. In fact, at 5pm the day before. Only because I have believed every step of the way that this was going to happen in spite of all of the obstacles. God has been in control of this a long time before I even found the baby.
What's sad is that everyone I pleaded with that abandoned me in the final hours really missed out on an incredible scene. I had a Harley Davidson Parade through town. Disney characters, magic show, raffle, incredible food, games and activities for the kids as well as, face painting, falcon show, raffle (even though the auction with items worth over 1.567million dhs was cancelled). 
If you would like to do the aftermath story and show that no matter how hard it is, no matter what obstacles you face, and dead ends you may find, God will definitely help you find a way over them, around them or just plain through them. And, look at what happened because I didn't give up on it. Nor did the ppl who believed in the cause. Look at how many ppl showed up and didn't care whether there was a specific license. Even if we couldn't have the auction or raise funds, we did the Awareness Event that I was after from the beginning. It wasn't perfect. And there were some things that were happening behind the scene that no one was aware of. It will be better next year. Or in 6months. Im not sure. I now have the attention of many ppl and I don't anticipate losing it. You can choose to be a part of this incredible opportunity to make a difference, or you can turn your back. I'm not chasing anyone. It will grow into an amazing change in this country on the backs of those who chose/choose to carry the message. 
Thank you for the wonderful article Nabila and Oasis did. Really, it was so well written. That's why I agreed to say that Oasis Living Al Ain magazine was the media sponsor in this........
I did manage to find a professional photographer to take the pictures. That's because God stepped in at the final hour.
I do hope you reconsider your stand on reporting this story. You can choose a different angle. I'm going to meet with the Phillipino Ambassador. I promise you, they will be happy to have the things that were actually donated. 
I do look forward to your response.
Yours Truly,
Michelle Mellinger

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Exciting Update

It looks like an incredible event will actually come to life on Friday Nov 18th! I am impressed with the list of sponsors that have taken on this responsibility to help this important cause.
Al Noor Hospital providing clowns, balloons, magicians, Disney character, free diabetes medical checks, banners, tshirts
Pfizer Pharmaceutical co providing breast feeding awareness information as well as giving free toys and games to the children.
Al Ghadeer water providing all the water needs
Lacnor providing 240 boxed juices and cooler
Black Eagles Motorcycle Club leading the parade from Danat Hotel to the Palm Resort Golf Club at 3pm
Elite Vvip offering the incredible packages listed in earlier blog
Carl van Rosenveldt auctioning the sports memorabilia
Desert Grooves providing music
Oasis Living Al Ain magazine for being the media
Ahmed Saidawi for his beautiful work on the logo and flyers
Artists: Laurel Moore, Jalal of Ghaf Gallery, Antonella Antonioni, Laura Talhoui for donating wonderful works of art.
And many private donations of gently used items
This is an amazing event that is finally taking place here. There are many volunteers that I haven't listed as the list is long. I will post those in a future blog. Thank you everyone for helping me and April get this show on the road!