Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Media Sponsor pulled out because of disbelief (my reply)

This was in response to the email I got telling me why the media pulled out at the final hour.
Yes, I don't have an (official) agreement with them (EWAA) on a legal way. I was just one person trying to make a difference and wanted to help the ladies in the shelters there. I truly did not know what I was getting myself into and honestly didn't care nor think about the repercussions
I would love for you to see the conversation between me and EWAA' or have sat in on the meeting we had at the shelter. In the beginning it was, "Absolutely, lets join together and do this". But we need a meeting with BOD. Well, I said, "Go ahead, however, this is going to happen with or without your support." They wanted a proposal. I said, "My proposal is to have a big party, raise awareness, get donations to the shelters and money for the other needs" She said the BOD wouldn't accept this as a proposal and it needed to be professionally written. I asked her to explain to me exactly what they needed it to say as I have no clue. If they could help me help them? She said, and I quote, "It is not my job to teach you how to do a proposal". That floored me. In my retort, I asked her "Isn't it your job to help the shelters run smoothly?" "And, how long would it take you to explain to me exactly what words you need me to put into print?". I also asked her why was it so hard to help them? And, my question is now, "Why should I be chasing a charity to help them when they should be chasing me?" It's like everyone just shows up for their jobs and just does only, exactly what they need to do for the day and not go above and beyond to really make a difference.
I took the responsibility after finding an abandoned baby and didn't sit on my ass. Yes, I learned what the rules where along the way. I got the backing that I needed in the end. In fact, at 5pm the day before. Only because I have believed every step of the way that this was going to happen in spite of all of the obstacles. God has been in control of this a long time before I even found the baby.
What's sad is that everyone I pleaded with that abandoned me in the final hours really missed out on an incredible scene. I had a Harley Davidson Parade through town. Disney characters, magic show, raffle, incredible food, games and activities for the kids as well as, face painting, falcon show, raffle (even though the auction with items worth over 1.567million dhs was cancelled). 
If you would like to do the aftermath story and show that no matter how hard it is, no matter what obstacles you face, and dead ends you may find, God will definitely help you find a way over them, around them or just plain through them. And, look at what happened because I didn't give up on it. Nor did the ppl who believed in the cause. Look at how many ppl showed up and didn't care whether there was a specific license. Even if we couldn't have the auction or raise funds, we did the Awareness Event that I was after from the beginning. It wasn't perfect. And there were some things that were happening behind the scene that no one was aware of. It will be better next year. Or in 6months. Im not sure. I now have the attention of many ppl and I don't anticipate losing it. You can choose to be a part of this incredible opportunity to make a difference, or you can turn your back. I'm not chasing anyone. It will grow into an amazing change in this country on the backs of those who chose/choose to carry the message. 
Thank you for the wonderful article Nabila and Oasis did. Really, it was so well written. That's why I agreed to say that Oasis Living Al Ain magazine was the media sponsor in this........
I did manage to find a professional photographer to take the pictures. That's because God stepped in at the final hour.
I do hope you reconsider your stand on reporting this story. You can choose a different angle. I'm going to meet with the Phillipino Ambassador. I promise you, they will be happy to have the things that were actually donated. 
I do look forward to your response.
Yours Truly,
Michelle Mellinger

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